Investor News

Equity Lending Facility Update

Environmental Clean Technologies Limited (ECT or Company) (ASX:ESI) is pleased to provide the following announcement by its subsidiary, ECT Finance Ltd (ECTF):

ECT Finance Ltd (the “Company”) provides the following update on the status of the Equity Lending Facility (ELF).

Applications via the ECT Finance website ( closed at 9 am on the 31st of July.

The Company is pleased to advise that it approved approximately $14.5M in applications across 272 individual applications.

Initial approval letters will be distributed today, followed up by final loan letters which will include interest rate and other important loan details of the loan.

We thank all applicants for their patience over the previous week as our staff handled a high volume of phone and email enquiries.

A full reconciliations of all applications and loan positions will take place over the coming days and we ask any applicant to advise us immediately if they identify any issues with their current position.

For further information: [email protected]