Investor News
Shareholder Briefing: Brisbane
On behalf of the Board and Management of ECT, I would like to invite you to attend a shareholder briefing session in Brisbane. The session will allow you to gain further insight into the Company’s revised strategy and provide an important opportunity for discussion regarding the future of your company.
Many of you took advantage of the recent Non-renounceable Rights Issue and increased your holding in ECT. There is an opportunity, should you be eligible, to take advantage of the shortfall to further increase your holding in the Company. Further details regarding this shortfall placement will be outlined in the meeting.
Details of the briefing sessions are outlined below:
Brisbane - Wednesday 16 November 2011
11am for 11:30am presentation
Norton Rose,
Level 17,
175 Eagle Street,
Brisbane QLD 4000
Refreshments will be served
Please RSVP, noting which session you would like to attend, to Rosalind Plant at [email protected] or call 02 8256 3350.
On behalf of ECT, we look forward to seeing you at the briefing sessions. Thank you again for your continued support as a valued shareholder of ECT.
Yours sincerely,
Mike Davies