Investor News
Director Resignation and New Director Appointment
Environmental Clean Technologies Limited (ECT) (ASX:ESI) announces the resignation of Mr John Hutchinson as a Director of ECT with immediate effect and the appointment of Mr Michael Davies as a new director effective today.
Mr Hutchinson served as a Director from the early stages of the commercialisation of the Coldry technology to the present day. The retiring Chairman, Mr Dave Woodall, expressed his appreciation for Mr Hutchinson’s major contribution to the Board and its deliberations during his four year tenure as a Director.
The Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Michael Davies (Mike) as a new non-executive director to its Board. Mike brings to the Board a more than thirty year career as a senior executive, including seven years as chief executive/CEO of medium and large corporations. He is a civil engineer by training and commenced his career with global construction/mining equipment manufacturer Caterpillar Inc. Mike went on the manage Caterpillar’s Queensland, Northern Territory and Pacific Island business unit prior to taking up the role of CEO and Managing Director of Gough Group, which is the Caterpillar dealer for New Zealand. During his tenure with Caterpillar Mike became deeply involved with the mining and construction industries throughout Australasia. Caterpillar was then, and remains, the leading supplier of equipment to these industries.
In later roles, Mike continued his involvement with the mining industry, including a term as CEO and Managing Director of Joy Global Australia Limited, the Australian subsidiary of global market leading underground coal mining equipment manufacturer Joy Global Inc. Mike has travelled extensively throughout the mining regions of the world and maintains relationships with key executives of all significant mining and energy companies.
Messrs Woodall and Carter welcome Mr Davies to the Board but also note that the Company continues to actively seek a replacement director of ECT in anticipation of Mr Woodall’s retirement as from Friday, 8th July 2011.
For Further Information Contact:
Kos Galtos – Chief Executive +61 3 9909 7684 or [email protected]