Investor News
Results of Share Purchase Plan
Environmental Clean Technologies Limited (ASX: ECT) (ECT or Company) recently announced the closure of its Share Purchase Plan (SPP) on Friday 4 June 2021, and confirms the results as follows:
Total number of shares applied for | 246,625,000 |
Value of shares applied for | $394,600 |
Maximum shortfall shares yet to be placed | 1,003,375,000 |
Maximum value of shortfall shares to be issued | $1,605,400 |
The issue of the 246,625,000 shares is expected to be completed on Tuesday 15 June 2021.
Shortfall Program
As detailed in the Share Purchase Plan (SPP) booklet released on 24 May 2021, Kaai Pty Ltd (Kaai) will manage the placement of the Shortfall under the SPP.
Kaai were appointed the Lead Manager of the Placement of $1.5 million, announced on 7 April 2021.
SPP Shortfall Shares will only be placed to sophisticated, professional or exempt investors and is subject to compliance with ASX Listing Rule 7.1. The Company will seek Shareholder approval for the issue of any Shortfall SPP Shares at its upcoming general meeting, scheduled for 10am, Friday 25 June 2021.
This announcement has been approved for release by the Board.
For further information, contact:
Glenn Fozard – Chairman [email protected]