Investor News

Update: Coldry Patent - Australia

Environmental Clean Technologies Limited (ECT or Company & ASX: ESI) is pleased to advise we have been informed by IP Australia that the Coldry patent will be issued by 27 April 2012.

This follows on from our last advice to the market on 3 March 2012 that the opposition to the Patent Application had been withdrawn, allowing progression to final examination.

Managing Director Mike Davies commented, “This final step in formally issuing the Coldry patent in Australia reinforces the Company’s consistent position that the opposition raised in 2009 was not of material significance.

We thank our staff and patent attorney Davies Collison Cave for their diligence in delivering this outcome for shareholders”.

Based on advice received, the Company considers the prospect of any further delays to be very low.

Patent Applications are progressing in Europe, Canada, Brazil and India.

Patents have been issued in China, USA and New Zealand.

In addition to patent protection in jurisdictions that feature significant brown coal reserves and a robust legal system, ECT employs detailed legal agreements as part of a broad IP protection strategy.


In late 2009, a third party lodged an opposition to the granting of the full Patent by IP Australia.

ECT took advice on the matter from its Patent Attorneys Davies Collison Cave. ECT then formed the view that the matter was not material and proceeded to follow due process to progress the grant of the full Patent.

In progressing the matter ECT decided to apply for an Innovation Patent as an enhancement to the existing patent application and to cover the further developments made in our IP since original filing. That application was lodged with IP Australia during September 2010 and certified on 19 October 2010.

In an announcement to the ASX on 28 July 2011, the Company highlighted amendments to the Australian Patent Application in line with those that led to the granting of the US Patent (announced 29 June 2011) and flagged the expectation that the opposition could not be sustained and the matter would be resolved in our favour within 6 to 9 months.

For Further Information Contact:

Mike Davies – Managing Director +61 3 9909 7684 or [email protected]