Investor News
Minerals Council of Australia bites back on climate and energy misrepresentation
Want to be called a 'climate denier'?
Simply advocate a 'measured transition to a low emissions global economy'.
It's worked for the Minerals Council of Australia.
Apparently, anything short of advocating an economy-wrecking rush toward wind and solar is met with name-calling.
The below article from the Fin Review highlights how the MCA has been targeted for pointing out how the Finkel Review promoted a "technology-neutral approach" in one breath, yet went on to rule out new high-efficiency, low-emissions (HELE) coal-fired power?
The MCA also pushed hard for the release of the Finkel Review's economic modelling because major public policy proposals should be subject to debate and open scrutiny. It clearly didn't help that the MCA identified "significant issues" with the basis for the modelling when it was eventually published.
Well, the MCA hasn't taken the irrational name-calling lying down.
It's fired its own salvo across the bow of green 'charities', noting these organisations should be scrutinised more closely to determine if they actually meet the requirements of a charitable organisation.
"The Charities Act 2013 stipulates that registered charities must only have charitable purposes that are for the public benefit; and they are expressly forbidden from having a 'disqualifying purpose', i.e., promoting or engaging in activities that are unlawful, contrary to public safety or politically partisan,"
Minerals Council of Australia bites back on climate and energy misrepresentation
AFR | 26 November 2017 | Matthew Stevens
The Minerals Council has quietly edged back onto the front foot in defence of its positions on climate change and the tax-deductible status of environmental charities.
Source: Minerals Council of Australia bites back on climate and energy misrepresentation |